The Henry Lee Society
THE genealogical society for Lee, Lea, Leigh, and similar surname research
Bylaws of The Henry Lee Society

As amended at the 2014 Annual Meeting

Section A.  The name shall be The Henry Lee Society.

Section A. To encourage, promote, record, and disseminate research on Lee and variant (Leigh, Lea, Ley,
Legh, others) surnames in Europe and America.
Section B. To promote fellowship, friendship, and fun among members of the Society.

Section A.  Any Lee descendant or researcher shall be eligible for membership provided he or she is
enthusiastic and willing to participate in the objectives of the Society.
Section B.  Any spouse of a Society member shall be considered a member.

Section A.  The yearly membership dues of $25.00 shall be paid by April 1st of each year and shall be used
to defray the expenses of the Society and to help carry on its activities.
Section B.  The Treasurer shall disseminate renewal notices to existing members by January 1 of each

Section A.  The resignation of any member shall become effective upon written notice to the President or
Secretary of the Society.
Section B.  Any member who neglects or refuses to pay a debt to the Society within sixty (60) days after
formal notification has been made by notice from the Secretary or Treasurer shall automatically forfeit
Section C.  Any member whose membership in this Society has been terminated in any manner shall
forfeit all interest in funds or any other property belonging to the Society.

Section A.  The officers of this Society shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section B.  The membership, upon vote in the Annual Meeting, may elect to institute other officers of the
Society as needed.

Section A.  The officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting.  A regular agenda item for the Annual
Meeting shall be the Election of Officers which shall begin with the President opening the floor for nominations. 
Upon motion, second, and vote of the membership present, nominations shall be closed and votes held for
each office.  The person receiving a majority of votes cast of the membership present shall be elected for
each office.
Section B.  The elected officers shall be installed at the time of their election.  They shall hold office for the
term of two years or until their successors are duly elected.
Section C.  No person shall be eligible to hold office in the Society unless that person is an active member
in good standing.
Section D.  No officer or other member shall receive compensation for services rendered to the Society.
Section E.  Any officer may resign his or her office upon written notice to the President or Secretary.  In
such occasions, the President shall appoint a member to serve that position during the period between the
resignation and the next Annual Meeting, whereupon the office shall be elected in the customary manner.  If
the President has resigned, the next senior officer - Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, in that order - shall
temporarily assume the duties of the President, appoint a President, and have that President fill any other
vacancies by appointment.

Section A.  The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Society and shall preside at all
meetings.  The President shall appoint all chairpersons and members of any committees, standing or ad hoc. 
The President shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section B.  If for any reason the President is unable to perform his or her duties, the Vice President shall
perform these duties, having the same authority as the President. 
Section C.  The Secretary shall keep a record of the transactions of each meeting and shall create and
disseminate any correspondence generated or approved under direction of the President.
Section D.  The Treasurer shall:
a. Collect and bank all incoming funds, including dues
b. Pay all expenses of the Society
c. Record all financial transactions of the Society
d. Maintain a current membership list of the Society
e. Report all financial activities to membership at the Annual Meeting.
f. Surrender all records for an audit by the membership of the Society, or its appointed representative,
upon written demand from any Society member, upon direction from the President, or upon vote at the Annual

Section A.  This Society shall hold an Annual Meeting at a time and place chosen by the membership at the
prior Annual Meeting.  The President shall have the authority to change the date of the Annual Meeting within a
2-month window of the original selection in order to adapt to circumstances out of the control of the Society.
Section B.  An agenda item at each Annual Meeting shall be the selection of a suitable locale for the next
Annual Meeting.  The date shall be most convenient weekend to April 15, with the Meeting itself occurring on a
Saturday and ancillary events occurring between the Thursday and Sunday of that weekend.

Section A.  The President shall appoint such committees as desired by the membership or officers of the
Society, including the members and chairpersons of said committees.
Section B.  Each member or chairperson appointed to any committee shall serve in such role until the next
Annual Meeting, whereupon their roles may or may not be continued at the request of the President.
Section C.  Each committee chairperson shall report the progress of his or her committee to the President
by email or written report.
Section D.  A committee may consist of a single person selected to accomplish a desired task.

Section A.  These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by vote of three-fourths of those
attending the meeting.

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